Water might be an answer to prevent Alzheimer’s disease, according to a DMU professor  

By Madi G Bowman

Biomedical science expert Dr Parvez Haris believes there may be a way to avoid developing diseases such as Alzheimer’s by simply drinking more water.

The professor at De Montfort University (DMU) in Leicester said that when the brain becomes dehydrated, the water cycle in the body can lead to diseases as molecules in the brain will start to behave in unusual ways.

He believes people who regularly exercise tend to be healthier because of the increased intake of water due to people sweating and drinking water within the workout.

This is because there is an increased cycle of movement which removes the toxic substances and waste in the body. 

Dr Haris said: “With age, people can slowly begin to lose their thirst, meaning they don’t drink enough water and there isn’t enough water movement to clean the damaging toxins from their brains.”

When his mother was in hospital, he described how her condition was worsening and she felt weak and tired and this was due to a lack of water meaning she was very dehydrated.

Dr Haris said: “As she began to drink water she soon began to feel better.” 

He first began to look deeper into this water theory after looking into abnormal proteins called amyloids which can build up in someone’s body as a plaque that can have a damaging effect to the brain and are linked to various diseases.

Dr Haris highlighted that increasing the amount people drink can really save lives and take pressure off the NHS. 

On Tuesday, March 22, Dr Haris hosted an online discussion on the Teams platform about the link between water and Alzheimer’s disease with students who were interested in his theory.

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