VIDEO: Leicester Cathedral plays home to Peregrine Falcons

By James Cannell

A pair of mating Peregrines Falcons have returned to Leicester Cathedral spire to start a new family.

The two love birds are local to Leicester and have been coming here for around five years, but this year have caused quite a stir.


Unfortunately, last year the birds were unsuccessful at starting a family. David Grey, co-ordinator of the Leicester Peregrines Project, said: “It’s possibly because of bad weather or maybe some of the eggs were too small.”

But, this year the pair of Falcons currently have four eggs and David added: “We are hopeful again this year because they have produced four eggs that they may hatch in the first week of May.”

The project has been a collaboration between Leicester Council and the Leicestershire and Rutland Ornithological Society to try to promote conservation of Peregrine Falcons.

The birds can be seen through bird watching telescopes that David and his team have set up to spot the pair of birds.

Passers-by are invited to come and take a look at the pair as they perch on around the Cathedral.

The group have set up a webpage where you can see videos of the Peregrines at, or follow them on Twitter at @LeicsPeregrines.



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