Natterjacks bar opens its doors to the homeless

By Erik Dawson and Paschal Nnedu

The Natterjacks bar and restaurant in Braunstone Gate is opening its doors every Monday to the homeless, offering free drinks, snacks and a warm place to stay between 8am and 2pm.


In Leicester during 2017, there was a 64 per cent rise in homelessness and there has been found to be at least 36 rough sleepers on the streets of the city every night.

“I’ve been thinking about doing this charity work for around a year now” said the owner of Natterjacks, who said he was inspired to do this through seeing countless homeless people around him every day.

He added “We are just trying to make a difference in their lives.

“If God or the universe has made you fortunate enough, you should help the people around you who are less fortunate, some of them might just need a chat.”

A video promoting the project has since had a fantastic response on Natterjack’s Facebook page, with over 4,000 views and hundreds of shares on social media in under a day, with many people also offering to help out.

The next step for the charity work, Natterjacks hopes, is getting in contact with local supermarkets and progressing from just snacks and coffee to full meals.

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